Tuesday 24 June 2014

Sea Rock Doodles

Ah, glorious summer time!

Time to go to the beach, feel the heat of the sun on your (pasty, white) skin... cool down in the refreshing, salty water.....

and find smooth, sun-kissed sea rocks to doodle on to your heart's content.

I find the ones with the holes in them extra special. 

They have the most utterly fascinating organic shapes.

The holes also make them meant for hanging.

When I have enough of these, I have a special project in mind for them. 


  1. love your patterns, especially the way you make the holes part of it :-)
    ♥ ♥ ♥

  2. What a fun project! I love that you can hang them. Can't wait to see your finished project!

  3. πανεμορφα!!! υπεροχα σχεδιακια!!!

  4. Thanks for joining the Say G'day Saturday linky party. I just shared your post on Pinterest and Google+.

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz


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