Sunday 31 March 2013

Vintage Hollywood Beauties - Ava Gardner

I've collected a whole bunch of stunning pictures of those flawless old Hollywood stars on my Girls Pinterest Board  and I just have to share them!
So I'll be posting one of them for you every now and then.

Here's a ravishing Ava Gardner.

Ava Gardner 1922-1990

She felt that life was crappy and that a lot of people got mistreated for weird reasons, and she liked to see people like each other. She was a real good dame.
-Lena Horne (Ava: My Story)

More Ava Gardner :

Saturday 30 March 2013

Hyacinth - Week 3

I promised I'd update my Hyacinth bulb status from the Plant A Flower Day post last week and I'm happy to say they are well and thriving.
Here are some pics from Week 3:

Did you know that Hyacinth bulbs are poisonous?

For more Hyacinth trivia, visit Wikipedia.
For tips on growing hyacinth, visit Houseplants.
For both tips and fascinating trivia, visit The Flower Expert.

Linked to:
I Heart Naptime, Today's Creative Blog, Skip To My Lou

Monday 25 March 2013

Monday Moodboard - Intergalactic

4. Jugosa

Monday Mooodboard is a game played by the members of the European Etsy Team every Monday. The moodboard is a selection of items from the team that reflect your mood on that particular day. Anyone in the team can join in. Just link your very own moodboard to the host of the game Star Of the East.

Monday 18 March 2013

Monday Moodboard - Luscious Spring Green

3. BoMode

Monday Mooodboard is a game played by the members of the European Etsy Team every Monday. The moodboard is a selection of items from the team that reflect your mood on that particular day. Anyone in the team can join in. Just link your very own moodboard to the host of the game StarOfTheEast.

Thursday 14 March 2013

My Creative Space - Pale Grey

These are my very latest flowers. 
Though they are a very definite grey -or gray if you prefer- they look more pale blue in the pictures.

I've been meaning to make this smaller, simpler version of my flowers for a long time, but -it's been scientifically proven that- there's only so much one person can keep up with.....

I have an endless list of things I want to make, of versions of flowers that I have floating in my head.
Unfortunately, it's getting longer rather than shorter....

These flowers are specifically designed to be ultra light, so they can become bobby pins, but as you can see from the various findings displayed in the photos above and below, they can still be a number of things.

( Findings above: shoe clips, hair clip with attached pin/brooch , ring, bobby pin, baby hair clip, hair clip, brooch - pin back, extra large hair clip.)

I really like the lace in the centre and how it goes with the pearls.

And here are the finished bobby pins.

Linked to:

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Plant a Flower Day

March 12 is Plant A Flower Day  in the Us.

Which isn't a bad day to observe, is it?

These pretty bulbs are Hyacinth bulbs and I'll be sure to keep you posted on their progress.

Linked to:

Monday 11 March 2013

Monday Moodboard - Feminine Black And White

Monday Mooodboard is a game played by the members of the European Etsy Team every Monday. The moodboard is a selection of items from the team that reflect your mood on that particular day. Anyone in the team can join in. Just link your very own moodboard to the host of the game StarOfTheEast.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Monday 4 March 2013

Monday Moodboard - Vintage Ladies

Monday Mooodboard is a game played by the members of the European Etsy Team every Monday. The moodboard is a selection of items from the team that reflect your mood on that particular day. Anyone in the team can join in. Just link your very own moodboard to the host of the game StarOfTheEast.

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